Keagungan Tuhan - D'lloyd

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

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1. Yesterday morning, on 19.01.2010 at Tatau sub-district, the Land and Survey enforcement team from all over Sarawak with few trucks of Army personnel and policemen went to demolish houses without prior notice to the landowners at Sg. Sekabai, Sebauh Bintulu. This particular land (the territorial domain) had been won by Tr. Nor Ak Nyawai and some others at the Malaysian Court few years ago. But unfortunately, how did the Company manage to convince the Court to approve for the eviction order is always remain a mystery to so many Indigenous peoples in Sarawak.

2. The enforcement personnel managed to demolished about 25 houses with all their belongings inside were destroyed indiscriminately for more than 4 hours of ugly service to the said 'company'. The way i look at it is that the Ibans (Indigenous Peoples) have no more right to their own land and the companies seem to have more rights and surely own more land everywhere. Now who own these big companies in Sarawak? The Indigenous people of Sg. Sekabai were still in the state of shock because of what had happened today to their houses and properties. Most of the occupants were left without any place to live right now and all their belongings were also intentionally destroyed by the enforcement. In Haiti peoples and properties were destroyed by natural disaster but strangely in Sarawak we are 'giving human disaster' to our own peoples without mercy.

3. The people of rumah Tr. Nor of Sg. Sekabai had a meeting yesterday night and i was there with them. Everyone looked very angry, very disappointed and very down as they lost their properties just within seconds by the enforcement. They did not only cut the houses but they smashed them with the tractors into pieces to the ground. They all agreed to stay put on the ground at Sg. Sekabai to prevent these 'demolishers' continue their barbaric act these few days. Please give your moral support by joining them on the ground today.

4. So I humbly appeal to any generous & good Samaritan to reach out to the people of Sg. sekabai to see into their needs especially food and shelter. Tr. Nor Ak Nyawai whose house is also being demolished has been tirelessly traveling with us to all parts of Malaysia to tell the truth about his court case. Since he and his people are in deep trouble because of this demolition I think it is human and fair that we assist him and his people. Many of them do not have place to stay and no food to eat. This is another 'Sign of the Time' just below our nose especially those of us who live in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Dated: 19.01.2010

Jumaat, 22 Januari 2010

Khas untuk orang Cina kut!

Ba Miao Zhu Zhang : Menumbuhkan Semaian dengan Menariknya ke Atas

7 Safar 1431

Asal Usul:

Pada zaman Chunqiu, iaitu kira-kira 2000 tahun yang lalu, di Negeri Song, ada seorang petani yang bersifat kurang sabar. Sejak anak benih tanamannya mula bertunas, hampir setiap hari, petani itu tidak jemu-jemu pergi ke sawahnya untuk melihat berapa tinggi semaiannya sudah tumbuh. Bagaimanapun, dia amat kecewa kerana tanamannya membesar terlalu perlahan. Dia memeras otak, cuba mencari jalan supaya dapat memperoleh hasil dengan lebih cepat.

Tiba-tiba, pada suatu hari, petani itu terfikir suatu cara yang dianggapnya sangat masuk akal. Dia bergegas ke sawahnya, lalu menarik semaiannya ke atas satu persatu. Walaupun penat sekali, hatinya tetap berasa sangat gembira apabila melihat tanamannya menjadi lebih tinggi.

Selepas menghabiskan kerja tersebut, petani itu pun pulanglah ke rumah, lalu memberitahukan cara "bijak" itu kepada anaknya. Setelah mendengar perbuatan bapanya itu, anaknya pun bergeas ke sawah. Sayang sekali, yang terpampang di depan matanya, hanyalah tanaman yang sudah mati.

Catatan Keterangan:

Peribahasa "Ba Miao Zhu Zhang" ini membawa erti, menarik semaian ke atas untuk membantunya tumbuh dengan lebih cepat. Peribahasa ini digunakan untuk mempersenda perbuatan yang tidak mengikut hukum alam. Ia juga menasihati kita supaya bersabar dan tidak mengharapkan hasil kerja yang cepat dan segera.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

The Goodness Of Fruit

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"
Fruits and Vegetables - Rich in Goodness!
Dec 23, 1998 - © June Kaminski
This article is the third in a series of six, focused on the food groups included in the Food Guide Pyramid. Fruit and vegetables have been placed as the second largest layer of the Food Pyramid. Together with grains, fruits and vegetables provide about 65% of the nutrients recommended in the Pyramid.
. The old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," has been replaced with a recommended 2 to 4 fruits a day along with 3 to 5 vegetable servings. Fruits and vegetables are low in fat and provide vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber.
Fruits are one food group that are usually welcomed by children. Fruits are an easy way to meet your family's need for vitamins like A and C. Vitamin A is crucial for healthy eyes, skin, and hair, and protection against colds and illnesses. Vitamin C helps your family absorb calcium and phosphorus for healthy bones and teeth, and promotes proper healing, muscle and nerve functions, and also protects against colds and flus. Fruits are rich in potassium important for proper heart and nerve function and cell health as well as fructose which gives kids a healthy energy boost.
Historically, getting children to eat vegetables has been a struggle for parents. How many times did you hear your parents say, "Eat your vegetables, or no dessert"? Served fresh and attractively, vegetables can become one of your child's favorite foods. The key is to keep it colorful and simple. Cut veggies into interesting shapes, serve as finger food with a bit of nutritious, low-fat dip, and take your time introducing new "exotic" vegetables like artichokes and asparagus.
Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, cellulose, and fiber. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, and folic acid. Carrots are rich in Vitamin A. Potatoes are a good source of Vitamin C. Vegetables are important for your child's digestion, growth, heart and nerve functions, teeth, and bowel regulation. Ideally, vegetables should be served raw, steamed, or lightly baked.
Preparing Fruit & Vegetables
Make sure that you scrub fruits and vegetables well before serving. If you can, choose organically grown fruits and vegetables, or grow your own! Kids love working in their own vegetable garden and berry patch. There's nothing like sitting under an apple or peach tree, laden with ripe, juicy fruit! Makes wonderful childhood memories!
Suggestions for Fruits and Vegetables for the Holidays
The Christmas and Holiday season is often rich in high-calorie, high-fat foods. If you add several choices from the grains and fruit and vegetables groups to the menu, the nutritional value of your holiday meals will sky rocket.
Try to keep a bowl of raw colorful fruit in full view at all times during the holidays, for kids and guests to enjoy. It will help tone down their appetite for cookies and cakes. Also, keep a tray of chopped attractively cut vegetables in the fridge, along with low-calorie, yoghurt-based dip. Kids love dipping vegetables as much as adults, especially if they are readily accessible.

Isnin, 11 Januari 2010

Correct timing to take water

25 Muharram 1431H
Email : mohamad alias idris

Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.

Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs

One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion

One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure

One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack

Sabtu, 9 Januari 2010

Pintu Masuk SMK Bakong....TQ Su Ling

Isu Kalimah Allah: Beberapa Pengajaran Yang Saya Pelajari

Isu Kalimah Allah: Beberapa Pengajaran Yang Saya Pelajari

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Izinkan Cikgu Menulis....

Sejak semalam kejadian menyerang gereja telah berlaku di beberapa lokasi di negara kita ni. Ini sungguh menyedihkan. Namun suatu yang kalian perlu ingat bahawa mereka yang melakukannya sebenarnya bukanlah orang Islam tetapi adalah orang-orang Melayu yang saya kira jahil sekali. Bagi saya yang pernah tinggal bersama kalian untuk tempoh 5 tahun dahulu dan pernah membaca helaian-helaian Injil SIB yang selalu kalian tinggalkan di dalam kelas suatu ketika memang pernah pun berjumpa perkataan ALLAH di dalamnya. Walaupun pada saat-saat tertentu saya, anita, azlan, mazlan, nasir dan bustami mungkin kami ada terbaca atau terjumpa helaian injil-injil kalian, namun sehingga saat ini kami masih hidup sebagai orang Islam. Jadi sebenarnya di sini saya bagi pihak Umat-Umat Islam seharusnya memohon ke atas kalian berikutan kejadian tersebut. Kami anggap itu adalah kerja-kerja yang dilakukan oleh mereka yang bukan dari kalangan kami.
Jika kalian lihat siapa yang lantang bersuara dan mengajak orang lain menyertai mereka ialah dari parti politik yang berlambangkan keris itu. Mereka mempolitikkan isu itu hanya bertujuan untuk meraih sokongan masyarakat melayu yang semakin menjauhkan diri dari mereka. Itulah sebabnya golongan-golongan cerdik pandai serta golongan 'yang berakal' di kalangan orang melayu hilang keyakinan terhadap mereka. Di peringkat akar umbi hanya mereka yang saya kira 'kurang cerdik' atau pun mereka ada kepentingan ekonomi saja yang masih duduk bersama golongan tersebut.
Akhirkata, maafkan kami walaupun kami sebenarnya tidak terlibat.

Ahad, 3 Januari 2010

Aktiviti dah ada famili..

Keratan Borneo Post (90 an)

Kenangan Masa Bujang..di Kuarter 11 SMK Bakong

Dari kanan: Ust Tarmizi, Saparudin, Rani. Lo, Basri, Ust Ruzi, Ayob
1990 @ 1991

Katakan di sini...

Hasta la siempre (Comandante Che Guevara)